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My Topic and Question


    Why are we here?! What is the point of this website? You came to the right place to find out! When coming into this Anthropology class I was uncertain of what my major project would be. Until it hit me, how does inclusive art influence acceptance regarding social justice cultural change for people of color, the LGBTQ community, and those who suffer mental health issues? Art has always been used as a way to visually communicate with other people; envoke powerful feelings and inspire thinking in ways they may typically never engage in. When it comes to art this is a language that is generally universal. If you see a frowning child one is sad and worried for that child, or if the artist painted a puppy playing with a toy most people will smile at the puppy's cheerful spirit. Art can be persuasive but it can also be used as a tool.


     Art as a tool to convey messages and to challenge current ways of thinking are important. The iconography of art can be used to make changes and/or to empower minority groups. For example art has been used to speak out against racisism, mental helath stigma, and the oppression of the LGBTQ community. The oppression of these groups developed over time through hegemony. Where straight white neurotypical individals decided to create a heierarchy filled with inequality. Of course these individuas placed themselves at the tip gaining support from others who were like them. Relating these minority groups who have been facing oppression to how they use art to speak up against thier mistreatment is an inspiring task. Counter hegemony; resistance in order to form a new order of worldviewa. As so many different minority artists from all throughout history have fought for this through art in thier own unique ways. 


This project is meant to focus on the influence of art on the people of today's modern society. As well as how the art is influcencing the social justice for each group of oppressed individuals. Reforming the way our current society and culture looks at the world. Diving into how art tries to make an impact on the culture in America to be more inclusive of the varieties of people we share the world with. Focusing on the marginalized groups of those who face racisim, mental health stigma, and oppression for thier sexual orientation. Analyzing the way art impacts the general social culture of today can give an insight into today's culture and the direction it is being pushed to evolve in.


I chose to talk about the influence of art on encouraging social justice cultural change because I have family members that are a part of minority groups and I work in a field that focuses on minority groups. I decided to focus explicitly on art’s impact on these subjects because I have been in love with art since I was a child. I almost majored in art before I decided to pursue psychology. Fighting for an inclusive world for everyone is important. For more than the minority groups being covered in this website. Inclusive art is being used to influence minority groups acceptance, inspiringe cultural change, and making the way for social justice.



